Future, Landscape. A changing exhibition II


20 July 2012 – H 6.00 pm. 

Until 31 August.


Forte Marghera – Venice (ITALY).


Artists in the exhibition: Cuoghi Corsello, Dritan Hyska, Giovanni Morbin, Pavel Mrkus, Serse, Eltjon Valle, Bianco-Valente, Michal Martychowiec, Italo Zuffi, Kai Uwe Schulte-Bunert, Mario Sillani Djerrahian, Anita Seiff, Alex Bellan, Aristide Antonas, Loris Cecchini, Roberto De Pol, Giovanni Ozzola, Paolo Parisi.


In the extraordinary area of Forte Marghera in the municipality of Venice, in a large green area between the industrial area, the new city and the lagoon, the second part of the Future, Landscape exhibition will be inaugurated on 20 July. A changing exhibition. Keeping faith with the concept of an exhibition that itself becomes a place of transformation and modification, new works will try to decline the complexity and richness of an entirely contemporary sense of the landscape. A theme that in itself seems to lend itself to continuous updating. The peaceful and apparently unchanging serenity of the Po landscape has been upset by an order / disorder of the Earth that seemed foreign to these latitudes. Human living, in Western and European custom, seems to trust and be based on the apparent immobility of things, which are entrusted with the sense of a continuity that becomes history, sedimentation, everyday life. But on closer inspection, other less striking epiphenomena, less devastating than an earthquake, still mark the process of incessant modification to which the environment around us is subjected. The signs of the abandonment of ex-something areas (industrial, military, tourism) indicate the crisis of functional vocations that seemed to never fail, and are instead concrete evidence of a condition that is changing. Only the distracted perception that we have of time does not allow us to fully grasp what is happening under our eyes anyway. Each landscape somehow has something amazing, as if its custom portends something that is not usual. In the memories we have of ancient paintings of forests and woods, those scenes seemed prepared for something to happen there, such as the sudden appearance of a nymph. Now it is no longer a question, or only marginally, of forests or woods, rather of urban areas, of a hybrid flexion of the built towards the natural that makes our places undecided between now and not yet. There is utopia in the very sense of the landscape, basically showing and indicating what surrounds us hints at an elsewhere. As in a place of ex-military ruins where works and visitors make a new appointment.

The first act of Future, Landscape was attended by works by Bruno Estevan, Cristian Chironi, Marco Citron, Roberta Franchetto, Antonio Guiotto, Tiziano Martini, Dacia Manto, Andreea Werner, Jonathan Vivacqua, Studiomobile, many of which will be exhibited again on a site ex-industrialist in Taibon Agordino for Dolomiti Contemporanee from 4 August.

The second act of Future, Landscape in Forte Marghera will feature large-scale landscapes drawn in pencil with an expertise that makes them look like photographs (Serse, Italy); urban scenes painted with the spray by a couple of artists writers among the most important in Italy (Cuoghi Corsello, Italy), the environment devastated by the extraction of oil in southern Albania (Eltjon Valle, Albania), the building nightmares of gigantic phalansteri in urban suburbs (Dritan Hyska, Albania). These works, already present in the first phase and which will coexist, from 20 July to 31 August, with the new proposals: landscapes suspended in a psychedelic dream vision (Bianco-Valente, Italy), the residual brightness of nocturnal forests (Michal Martychowiec, Poland), the narration of the Earth as a living organism observed while flying over it (Italo Zuffi, Italy), the disturbing ‘normality’ of everyday life in an Emilian country shortly before the earthquake (Kai Uwe Schulte-Bunert, Germany), the attractive power of the void (Mario Sillani Djerrahian, Armenia-Italy), the temporal and subjective dimension necessary to reflect and reflect oneself (Anita Sieff, Italy). The presence of works that oscillate between art, space, architecture is also nourished, putting into play the recycling of common materials to develop new circuits between functionality and dysfunctionality (Alex Bellan, Italy), the readjustment of materials for a new way of futuristic living (Aristide Antonas, Greece), the suspension and thinness of building in contact with natural elements (Loris Cecchini, Italy), the precariousness of a corner of the shanty town on which the rain beats (Roberto De Pol, Italy ), a vision that opens out from a garage onto the open sea (Giovanni Ozzola, Italy).

The exhibition is completed by artists from the first phase who will renew their presence with other hybridizations between artist / performer and landscape (Giovanni Morbin, Italy) and icy recordings in which infinite skies are reflected on high-tech technological supports (Pavel Mrkus, Czech Republic), the budding of vegetation on geographical representations (Paolo Parisi, Italy).



Forte Marghera | Padiglione 36 Via Forte Marghera 30, Venezia Mestre
Tel. +39 041 5319706 fax +39 041 5311108

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