Presentation by Jester artists
Helen Dowling, ‘Custom Make-out’, photo series with Carmen Canela & Lina Bembe
11 December 2022 – H 05.00 pm.
Jester – C-mine 10, bus 1, 3600, Genk (BELGIUM)
On Sunday 11 December, on the occasion of the finissage of the Marie Zolamian exhibition and the end of the program launched under two organizations, FLACC and CIAP, some of Jester’s artists will share elements of their research or project.
PROGRAMME – presented in several spaces
02.00 pm – presentation ‘The Forest Underground’ (audio piece) by
Miriam Sentler (locatie ter bevestiging)
03.00 pm – artist talk with Sarah van Sonsbeeck and Rana Hamadeh,
moderated by Orlando Maaike Gouwenberg (small auditorium)
04.00 pm – tour exhibition by Marie Zolamian &
goodbye drink (exhibition space)
05.00 pm – film screening and talk with Helen Dowling (small auditorium)
06.00 pm – presentation by Alain Nsenga (small auditorium)
Helen Dowling will give us a glimpse into her upcoming film and ongoing research initiated in 2020 with the support of Sint Lucas Antwerp and continued during her research at Jester. ‘Terms of Intimacy’ engages the image of sexuality and femininity in mainstream pornography by developing strategies to repurpose the acting and means of production within custom pornography. As part of the research, Dowling has been working on a new film, in collaboration with Custom Performers. Fragments of the work in progress will be presented, and the screening will be followed by a conversation with the artist.