Relazioni (im)possibili. Il fil rouge da Piero Manzoni a oggi

Giovanni Morbin – Relazioni (im)possibili

25 June 2023 – From  5.00 pm. 

Unti 01 October 2023.


Museo della Stampa – Via Lanfranco 6/8, Soncino.

Soncino is known for its bitter roots, but also because Piero Manzoni was born exactly 90 years ago, in 1933. 60 years after his death in 1963, an exhibition at the Museo della Stampa, organized by the Piero Manzoni Foundation of Milan and the Pro loco APS of Soncino, brings the artist’s works back to his native town. The project was born from the desire to investigate relationships.

The first relationship is that between Piero Manzoni and some artists of more recent generations, invited to exhibit with him: Sergio Breviario, Dario Buccino, Gianni Caravaggio, Nicolò Cecchella, Barbara Colombo, Massimo De Caria, Carlo Dell’Acqua, Paola Di Bello , Andrea Francolino, Carlo and Fabio Ingrassia, Giovanni Morbin, Liliana Moro, Cesare Pietroiusti, David Reimondo, Fabio Roncato and Skygolpe.

The exhibition is accompanied by a catalog containing texts specially written by eight authors: Luca Bochicchio, Daniela Ferrari, Flaminio Gualdoni, Gaspare Luigi Marcone, Mirco Marino, Raffaella Perna, Marco Senaldi and Giorgio Verzotti.

Partly for fun and partly to break with the usual schemes, the sixteen artists were paired with the authors with a roulette wheel, drawing lots and thus leaving it to fate to decide. Finally, a further challenge was the attempt to create a harmonious relationship between the works and the space that houses them, the fascinating Museum of Printing, a strongly characterized place: cast iron presses, lithographic stone matrices and typographic boxes frame the work by Manzoni and other contemporary artists.